May 14th, 2002. Toronto.
Peer Pressure Inc today announced the nationwide release June 5th, 2002 of WHY by its exciting new artist, Michael Picanco. WHY is a promotional CD containing three songs in original Pop format and a remix with an urban edge. Michael's voice soars on WHY and FORGET CHA, two original songs by the Toronto writer Rupert Gayle and pays homage to Al Green while providing a fresh, young interpresentation of LET'S STAY TOGETHER.

WHY by Michael will be available at the low price of $8.99 Cd. At record stores everywhere.
To find out more about Peer Pressure's Michael latest musical discovery, please click where indicated. You can order WHY, Michael's first CD from Peer Pressure Inc by calling (416) 575 - 5216 or
email us at

Press Release
May 14th, 2002. Toronto.
Peer Pressure Inc today announced the global release June 5th 2002 of the veteran reggae artist, Ginny Pepper's first album. Ginny Pepper's voice easily recalls Garnett silks and the music reflects the political consciousness of the third world ghetto youth. Ginny Pepper's NEW WORLD ORDER will be available at $18.99 Cdn. Retail and $12.99 Cdn. Wholesale.

REGGAE VIBES CD is comprised of 19 new and creative songs styling by some of Jamaica's most popular artists including Luciano, Admiral Tibet and Anthony B.

For $19.99 Cdn. Retail and $14.99 Cdn. Wholesale, you can order Ginny Pepper CD and 45 Vynal Records from Peer Pressure Inc / Upfront Records distribution company in Jamaica and Canada.
Tel:   (876) 754 - 3011
Fax:  (876) 754 - 9420
        (416) 575 - 5216

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